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  • Lou and Mike

July Market Wrap

So July was a little different thanks to the nasty little virus we know as COVID.

Both Mike & I came down with the dreaded bug that we had both managed to avoid for so long and we were out for the count.

So what were we to do ?

We didn't want to cancel so close to the market but we were in isolation so we couldn't be there in person.

Luckily for us we work with Michael, our amazing assistant and knew he was more than capable of stepping up.

We are also very fortunate to work in a supportive and wonderful market family and were able to get additional support for Michael through the fabulous Sally from Alive with Style;

Charlotte from Love From Shop; and Rod and Lynda from

The market had it's ups and downs in July. The downs were a large amount of stallholders pulling out late in the week due to various illnesses and other reasons, parts of the grounds still having problems due to drainage issues and strong gusts of wind coming up at lunchtime meaning the stallholders in the most exposed places were hanging on to their stock and tents and ended up having to bump out early.

The highs were the beautiful bright blue sky bathed in the warmth of glorious winter sunshine, our wonderful marketeers supporting one another and the fact we were able to keep the market going without being there so we are very proud of everyone for that.

Now for the next news - if you are wondering why the website says the next market is September then it is because with COVID still doing it's winter rampage and people not being as inclined to visit markets during Winter we felt that it was better to put all our time and effort into a bumper Spring market when people are feeling a bit better, weather has warmed up and the grounds have sprung back to life.

We are sad we won't see everyone in August but can't wait to bring everyone together for a Spring celebration in September.

And we are thrilled to welcome back The Sitch wonderful 'The Sitch' band to bring the market alive with their toe tapping music. If you didn't see them in May you're in for a real treat !

Don't spend your Sunday in a crowding shopping centre...come outside and spend it in nature meeting makers, supporting local small Aussie businesses and having a genuine experience at our first Spring market for 2022.

See you soon


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